What is the blotter?

The blotter captures all the liability instruments categorised by type within a tabular format. The user has the ability to drill down to a specific instrument. Each instrument is available as a row within a table categorised by the instrument type such as Loan facility, Market linked debenture and the like.

Navigation to the blotter

The blotter captures all the liability instruments categorised by type within a tabular format. Select Blotter within Liability from the side panel menu.

How to use the blotter?

The blotter has three main constituents (refer the annotations in the image above):

1. The search panel wherein the user may enter specific values for counterparty, entity, loan account number etc to view a portfolio of liabilities or search for a specific liability

2. Tabular view with each liability instrument captured as an individual record. Click on the button shaped hyperlink to further access the specific liability

3. Hovering over the menu icon, will provide the user an option to download all records available on screen in an excel format