
This page helps you understand the process of adding a Rating Agency in the Finvisage application.  As part of adding a Rating Agency, you need to enter the Rating Agency name and description on the Rating Agency New screen. You can access this New screen by clicking the menu icon on the Rating Agency screen.


This page also provides you information on how to edit and view ratings of an Agency. Once the rating agency is added, you can edit it on the Rating Agency screen

Apart from the above, this page helps you understand how add and update a rating. In a nutshell, this page contains the below:

  • Adding a Rating Agency
  • Updating a Rating Agency
  • Adding a Rating
  • Updating a Rating

Adding a Rating Agency 

In this section, we will describe how to add a Rating Agency in the Finvisage application. As an example, we will show how to add the Care Rating Agency here. 

To add a rating agency

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Settings. 

The Settings menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Settings menuclick Rating Agency.

The Rating Agency screen is displayed.

3. On the Rating Agency screen, click the Menu icon at the right bottom of the screen to view the Add button, and then click it.

The New screen is displayed.

4. On the New screen:

A. In the Name field, enter the Rating Agency Name. For example, Care.

B. In the Description box, enter the Rating Agency Description.

C. Click the Create button at the bottom.

The Rating Agency was successfully created message is displayed. You can see the new Rating Agency on the Rating Agency screen.

Updating a Rating Agency 

In this section, we will describe how to update a Rating Agency in the Finvisage application. As part of updating a Rating Agency, you can change its name and description.   

To update a rating agency

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Settings. 

The Settings menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Settings menuclick Rating Agency.

The Rating Agency screen is displayed.

3. On the Rating Agency  screen, click the Edit button corresponding to the Rating Agency, which you wish to update.


The Edit screen is displayed.

4. On the Edit screen, make the desired changes, and then click the Update button.

The Rating Agency was successfully updated message is displayed.  

Viewing Ratings of a Rating Agency 

In this section, we will describe how to view the ratings of a Rating Agency.   

To view the ratings of a rating agency

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Settings. 

The Settings menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Settings menuclick Rating Agency.

The Rating Agency screen is displayed.

3. On the Rating Agency screen, click the View Ratings button corresponding to the Rating Agency, whose ratings you wish to view.

The Rating screen is displayed with Rating Name, Rating Scale, and Instrument Type, etc.

Adding a Rating

In this section, we will describe how to add rating for a Rating Agency.   

To add rating for a rating agency

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Settings. 

The Settings menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Settings menuclick Rating Agency.

The Rating Agency screen is displayed.

3. On the Rating Agency screen, click the View Ratings button corresponding to the Rating Agency to which you wish to add a rating.

The Rating page is displayed.

4. On the Rating page, click the Menu icon at the right bottom of the screen to view the Add button, and then click it.

The Rating New page is displayed.

5. On the Rating New page: 

A. In the Rating Name field, enter the rating name.

B. In the Rating Scale field, enter the rating scale. For example, AAA.

C. From the Instrument Types drop-down box, select the instrument type.

D. In the Description box, enter description, if any.

E. Click the Create button at the bottom.

The  Rating was successfully created message is displayed and the rating appears in the Rating page.

Updating Ratings of a Rating  

In this section, we will describe how to update the rating of a Rating Agency.   

To update rating of a rating agency

1. On the Rating page, click the Edit icon corresponding to the rating, which you wish to edit.

The Rating Edit page is displayed.

2. On the Rating Edit pagemake the desired changes, and then click the Update button.

The Rating was successfully updated message is displayed.




