
After creating a tranche, you can also add attachments to it. This page helps you understand the process of it. 

Apart from that, it explains how to add credit ratings, fees, covenants, and investors to  a tranche.

Attaching Documents to a Tranche 

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Liability. 

The Liability menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Liability menuclick Commercial Paper.

The Commercial Paper page is displayed.

3. On the Commercial Paper page, click the External ID of the commercial paper to which you wish to add a tranche.

The details of the commercial paper page is displayed.

4. On the Commercial Paper details page, click the External ID of the tranche whose details you wish to view.

The Tranche page is displayed.

5. On the Tranche page, click the Attached Documents tab.

The Attached Documents page is displayed.  

6. In the Attached Documents page, click the Upload Documents button. See the image below.

The Upload Documents screen is displayed.

7. On the Upload Documents screen:

A. From the Upload Date drop-down, select the upload date.

B. Drop the file or click to upload.

The File uploaded successfully message is displayed.

Tip: If required, you can download or delete an attachment. See the above image.

Adding Credit Ratings to a Tranche 

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 mentioned in Attaching Documents to a Tranche.

2. On the Tranche page, click the Credit Ratings tab.

The Credit Ratings page is displayed.

3. On the Credit Ratings page, click the Add Credit Ratings button.

The New Credit Rating screen is displayed.

4. On the New Credit Rating screen:

A. From the Rating Agency drop-down box, select the desired rating agency. For example, Crisil.

B. From the Rating Symbol drop-down box, select the desired rating symbol. For example, CRISIL AAA (SO).

C. From the Outlook drop-down box, select the outlook of the rating agency choosing from Positive, Negative, or Stable.

Tip: The Positive outlook indicates the raising of a rating whereas the Negative outlook denotes the lowering of it. The Stable outlook indicates the stability of the rating with no change.

D. From the Credit Rating Date calendar control, select the date.

E. In the Amount Rated field, enter the amount that is rated.

F. In the Rating Definition field, enter the rating definition.

   The  Credit Rating successfully created message is displayed.

Adding Fees to a Tranche 

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 mentioned in Attaching Documents to a Tranche.

2. On the Tranche page, click the Fees tab.

The Fees page is displayed.

3. On the Fees page, click the Add Fee button.

The New Fee page is displayed.

4. On the New Fee page:

A. From the Type drop-down box, select the fees type. For example, Documentation.

B. From the Fee  Date calendar control, select the fee date

C. From the Amount Type drop-down box, select the amount type choosing from Absolute or Percentage.

Note: The Absolute amount type refers to...

D. In the Amount field, enter the amount.

E. In the Amortization section. specify the start date and end date.

Tip: The Amortization period refers to the length of a time, which it takes to pay off a loan.

F. In the Remarks box, enter remarks, if any.

G. Click the Submit button at the bottom.

The Fee successfully added message is displayed and the fee is displayed live on the Fees tab.

To Cancel the fee

1. In case, you wish to cancel any fee, click the Cancel button corresponding to it on the Fees tab.

The Cancel this fee? message box is displayed.

Tip: You can view the fee, which you have added, on the Fees tab. It is displayed as Live in the Status column.

2. On the Cancel this fee? message box, click the OK button.

The Fee is displayed as Cancelled on the Fees tab.

Adding Covenants to a Tranche 

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 mentioned in Attaching Documents to a Tranche.

2. On the Tranche page, click the Covenants tab.

The Covenants page is displayed.

3. On the Covenants page, click the Add Covenant button.

The Covenant screen is displayed on the right.

4. On the Covenant screen:

A.  From the Covenant Template drop-down box, select a template. For example, Debt Equity Ratio.

B. In the Accountable Person field, enter the person accountable for the covenant.

C. In the Third Party field, enter the third party for the covenant.

D. In the Target Date field, enter the target date.

E. In the Offset field, enter the offset value.

F. Specify the period choosing from Monthly or Yearly. The default selected period is Monthly.

G. If you wish to go for custom schedule, then select Custom Schedule. 

To define a custom schedule

  • Select Custom Schedule from the field displaying MonthlyThe Repeat dialog box appears.
  • In the Repeat dialog:
    To schedule Monthly
    • From the Frequency drop-down box, select Monthly.
    • In the Every box, enter the number of months.
    • Select Day of month or Day of week.
    • Click the OK button.

To schedule Yearly

  • From the Frequency drop-down box, select Monthly.
  • In the Every box, enter the number of years.
  • Click the OK button.

H. In the Additional Info box, enter additional information, if any.

I. Click the Create button.

The Covenant was successfully created message is displayed.


Tip: You can view the covenant, which you have created, in the Covenants tab.

Adding Investors to a Tranche 

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 mentioned in Attaching Documents to a Tranche.

2. On the Tranche page, click the Investors tab.

The Investors page is displayed with Upload Investors and Download Upload Template.

3. On the Investors page, click the Download Upload Template button.

The Benpos Template Guidelines screen is displayed on the right.

4. Read the Benpos Template Guidelines to know, which fields are mandatory and also about the case and format of headers and fields.

Note: All the fields are case sensitive.

5. After reading the Benpos Template Guidelines, scroll down to the bottom, and then  click the Download button. 

6. Save the  Benpos Template in your system.

7. After saving the Benpos file, click the Cancel button on the Benpos Template Guidelines screen.

8. Next, on the Investors page, click the Upload Investor Details button.

The Upload Allotment Benpos screen is displayed on the right.

9. On the Upload Allotment Benpos screen:  

A. In the Settings section, from the As on Date calendar, select the date and then click the Proceed button.

B. In the Upload File section, either drop or click to upload the Benpos file, which you have saved in your system.

Note: You can upload only Microsoft Excel files.

The Benpos file is uploaded. 

C. Next, in the Map Headers section:

A. From the Select a Template drop-down box, select a template.

B. Map the Benpos field with the Uploaded fields.

C. Scroll down to the bottom, and then click the Proceed button.

The validation process started and file metrics are displayed.