
This page helps you understand how to update a market linked debenture in the Finvisage application. Apart from this, you can also get information on how to delete and close it.

In a nutshell, this page contains the below mentioned three topics:

  • Updating a Market Linked Debenture
  • Deleting a Market Linked Debenture
  • Closing a Market Linked Debenture

Updating a Market Linked Debenture

1. On the Side Panel of the Finvisage application, click Liability. 

The Liability menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Liability menuclick Market Linked Debenture.

The Market Linked Debenture page is displayed.

3. On the Market Linked Debenture page, click the External ID of the market linked debenture, which you wish to edit.

The Market Linked tab is displayed along with other tabs including Attached Documents, Closed Variations, Archived Variations, and Covenants.

4. On the Market Linked Debenture tab, click the Menu icon at the bottom to view the Edit Market Linked Debenture button, and then click it.

The Warning message is displayed stating that Future reports will be generated with the edited values. Run any report that requires the current values prior to edit operation.  See the image below.

5. After viewing the above warning message, if you don't want to run the report but wish to go ahead with updating the market linked debenture, click the Continue button on the warning message.   

The Edit page is displayed.

6. On the Edit page, make the desired changes, and then click the Update button. 

The Market Linked Debenture successfully updated message is displayed. 

Deleting a Market Linked Debenture

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 3 in Updating a Market Linked Debenture above.

The Market Linked tab is displayed along with other tabs including Attached Documents, Closed Variations, Archived Variations, and Covenants.

2. On the Market Linked Debenture tab, click the Menu icon at the bottom to view the Delete Market Linked Debenture button, and then click it.

The Delete this Market Linked Debenture and associated data? message is displayed.

3. If you wish to go ahead with deleting the market linked debenture, click the OK button on the Delete this Market Linked Debenture and associated data? message.

The Market Linked debenture successfully deleted message is displayed.

Closing a Market Linked Debenture

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 3 in Updating a Market Linked Debenture above.

The Market Linked tab is displayed along with other tabs including Attached Documents, Closed Variations, Archived Variations, and Covenants.

2. On the Market Linked Debenture tab, click the Menu icon at the bottom to view the Close Market Linked Debenture button, and then click it.

The Closing Liability screen is displayed on the right.

3. On the Closing Liability screen:

A. From the Closing Date calendar, select the closing date of market linked debenture.

B. In the Closing Notes box. enter the closing notes.

Note:  Both the above A and B are mandatory.

C. Click the Submit button at the bottom.

The Closed successfully message is displayed.