
This page helps you understand how to add initial and final level valuations to a market linked debenture. As part of adding an initial level valuation, you need to first click the External ID of the variation on the Market Linked Debentures page. Subsequently, you need to click the Add Initial Valuation button on the Initial Level Valuations pane, and then enter the new initial level valuation details on the New Initial Level Valuation screen.   

The process of creating final level valuation is similar to that of creating an initial level valuation. However, you need to enter the final level details in the New Final Level Valuation screen.

Adding an Initial Level Valuation

1. On the Side Panel of the Finvisage application, click Liability. 

The Liability menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded Liability menuclick Market Linked Debenture.

The Market Linked Debenture page is displayed.

3. On the Market Linked Debenture page, click the External ID of the market linked debenture to which you wish to add a initial level valuation.

The Market Linked tab is displayed with the Variations panel.

4. In the Variations panel, click the External ID of the variation.

The Variation tab is displayed.

5. On the Variation tab, scroll down, and then click Add Initial Level Valuation on the Initial Level Valuations pane.

The New Initial Level Valuation screen is displayed on the right.

6. On the New Initial Level Valuation screen:  

A. From the Valuation Date calendar control, select the valuation date.

B. In the Valuation Amount Field, enter the valuation amount.

C. Click the Submit button at the bottom.

The initial level valuation was successfully created message is displayed  and it is displayed in Initial Level Valuation pane. See the image below.

Adding a Final Level Valuation

1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 mentioned in the above section. 

2. On the Variation tab, scroll down, and then click Add Final Level Valuation on the Final Level Valuations pane.

The New Initial Level Valuation screen is displayed on the right.

3. On the New Final Level Valuation screen:  

A. From the Valuation Date calendar control, select the valuation date.

B. In the Valuation Amount Field, enter the valuation amount.

C. Click the Submit button at the bottom.

The Final level valuation was successfully created message is displayed  and it is displayed in Final Level Valuation pane. See the image below.