
This page helps you understand how to close a commercial paper. As part of closing, you need to specify the date and closing notes. Upon submitting, the commercial paper will be closed and removed from the Commercial Paper page.

The below step-by-step instructions describe the process.

Closing a Commercial Paper

1. On the Side Panel of the Finvisage application, click Liabilities, and then click  Commercial Paper from the drop-down menu.

The Commercial Paper page is displayed.

2. On the  Commercial Paper page, click the External ID of the commercial paper, which you wish to edit.

The Commercial Paper tab is displayed.

3. On the  Commercial Paper tab, click the Menu button at the bottom, and then click the Close button from the displayed menu.

The Close Liability screen is displayed with the current date by default.

3. In the Close Liability screen:

A. Change the current date, if required

B. Enter the closing notes.

C. Click the Submit button.

The commercial paper is closed and removed from the Commercial Paper page.