
This page helps you understand how to prepare and upload an MS Excel principal payment schedule file to a loan facility. Using an MS Excel file, you can upload multiple transactions at a time.

The process consists of the below mentioned steps:

Downloading the template

 As part of uploading an MS Excel file, you need to first down the Repayment Schedule template from the Principal Repayment Schedule section. The template will be downloaded in MS Excel format.

Preparing the Principal Repayment Schedule

Subsequent to downloading the template, you need to input the Payment Date, Value  Date, and Amount in the MS Excel file. You can enter multiple transactions in the template.

Uploading Schedule

Once the MS Excel file is ready, you can click the Upload Schedule option in the Principal Repayment Schedule section. This displays the Upload Principal Repayment Schedule screen with four sections, which includes Upload File, Settings, Map Headers, and Validate. 

You can upload the MS Excel file in the Upload section of this screen. Once done, the Settings section gets activated. 

Specifying a name

In the Settings section, you need to specify a name of your choice for the uploaded document. Upon clicking the Proceed button, the Mapping Headers section gets activated. 

Mapping Headers

Subsequent  to specifying the name, you need to map the Repayment Schedule Fields with Uploaded Fields in the Mapping Headers section. Upon clicking the Proceed button, the Validation section gets activated. 


After mapping the headers, the validation process starts and you need to click on the Refresh button. If nothing is found wrong during validation, you can safely import the files by clicking the Begin Import button. Once the importing is completed, the schedule will get reflected in the Principal repayment Schedule section.

In case the MS Excel file is not uploaded, then you need to check the log file to know what went wrong, make the required corrections in the MS Excel file, and then reupload it again.

Importing Schedule

Upon successful validation, you can import the schedule. Once done, it will be added to the Principal Repayment Schedule section on the Loan Facility page.

The following sections help you understand how to prepare and upload an MS Excel principal repayment schedule file to a loan facility.

Downloading Template

1. On the Side Panel of the Finvisage application, click Liability.

The menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded menu, click Loan Facility. See the image below: 

The Loan Facility page is displayed on the right pane. 

2. On the Loan Facility page, click the required loan facility.

The Drawdowns section is displayed.

3. In the Drawdowns section, click the External ID. See the image below.

The Drawdown page is displayed.

4. On the Drawdown page, scroll down to the Principal Repayments section.

5. Next, on the Principal Repayments section, click the Menu button.

The drop-down menu is displayed.

6. On the drop-down menu, click Download Upload Template.

The upload template is downloaded in MS Excel format. 

Preparing Repayment Schedule

As part of preparing the repayment schedule, you need to convert the payment date and value date into text format. In order to do this, you can use the formula as described in the below instructions. 

You can add as many transactions as you wish in the template. The date format for payment date and value date is DD-MM-YYYY.

The following step-by-step instructions help you understand how to prepare the repayment schedule in the MS Excel file:

To prepare a repayment schedule 

1. First, enter all the required data in the upload template.

2. After entering the data, go to a blank cell in the template, and then enter the formula as shown in the below example screenshot. See the highlighted part. 

Note: In the formula shown in the above image, A2 refers to the column and row number. Here, A is the column and 2 is the row number.

3. Upon entering the formula, press the Enter button. 

4. Next, drag down the first date cell until the last payment date. This is to convert the other dates also into text format. See the image below:

The other dates are populated as shown in the image below:

5. Now, copy the formula data. See the below image.

6. Next, go to Column A, and paste the copied data on top of the existing dates using Values (V) option.

7. Now, go to Column B, and paste the copied data on top of the existing dates using Values (V) option.

8. Next, delete the formula data, which you have prepared. See the data highlighted in the example image below:

After deleting the formula data, the template appears as shown below and ready to be uploaded.

Uploading the MS Excel File

1. After preparing the MS Excel file, go back to the Principal Repayment Schedule section in the Finvisage application.

2. On the Principal Repayment Schedule section, click the Menu button, and then click Upload Schedule on the displayed drop-down menu.

The Upload Principal Repayment Schedule screen is displayed.


3. On the Upload Principal Repayment Schedule screen, either drag and drop or click to upload the MS Excel template.

The Settings section is activated.

Specifying File Name

1. In the Settings section, enter a name for the uploaded document in the Name field. 

2. Click the Proceed button.

The Mapping Headers section is activated.

Mapping Headers

1. In the Mapping  Headers section, verify the map headers by comparing Repayment schedule fields with Upload file fields.

2. Click the Proceed button.

The Validation section is activated and the validation process starts. 


1. In the Validation section, click on the Refresh button. 

If the validation is successful, then you can  import the files. If not, then you need to check the log file to know what went wrong, make the required corrections in the MS Excel file, and then reupload it again.

Importing the Schedule

1. In the Validation section, click the Begin Import button . See the image below:

Upon successful importing, the MS Excel file content is added to the Principal Repayment section. See the image below.