
This page helps you understand how to view historical principal payments. The historical payment data includes all the previous payments along the payment type, date, and net amount.

As part of viewing historical payments, you need to click the View Historical  Payments button on the Principal Repayment Schedule section. Once done, the historical payments are displayed.  

Viewing Historical Principal Payments

1. On the Side Panel of the Finvisage application, click Liability.

The menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded menu, click Loan Facility. See the image below: 


The Loan Facility page is displayed on the right pane. 

2. On the Loan Facility page, click the required loan facility.


The Drawdowns section is displayed.

3. In the Drawdowns section, click the External ID. See the image below:

The Drawdown page is displayed. See the image below:

4. On the Drawdown page, scroll down to the Principal Repayments section.

5. Next, on the Principal Repayments section:

A. Scroll towards the right.

B. Click the View Historical Payments button corresponding to the required transaction. 

The Principal Repayment Schedule actual payments screen is displayed. See the example image below.