
This page helps you understand how to add a fixed depositAs part of adding a fixed deposit, you need to access the Fixed Deposits page and enter all the required details. Upon saving, the fixed deposit is added and basic and transactions details are displayed. 

The below step-by-step instructions describe the complete process of adding a fixed deposit.

Adding a Fixed Deposit

1. On the Side Panel of Finvisage application, click Asset.

The menu is expanded.

2. On the expanded menu, click Fixed Deposit. See the image below: 

The Fixed Deposit page is displayed on the right pane. 

3. On the Fixed Deposit  page, click the Add Fixed Deposit button at the page bottom.


The New page is displayed.

3. In the New page section, enter all the required information

Note: See the below table for the field description. 

General  Information
Fixed Deposit TypeFrom this drop-down box, select the fixed deposit type from either Withdrawable  or Non Withdrawable. 
Deposit Number
In this field, enter the fixed deposit number.
From this drop-down box, select the corresponding entity.
CounterpartyFrom this drop-down box, select the corresponding counterparty.

Note: Here, counterparty refers to the financial institution where the amount is deposited as fixed deposit.
CurrencyFrom this drop-down box, select the corresponding currency.
PrincipalIn this field, enter the fixed deposit principal amount.
On MaturityFrom this drop-down box, select the applicable maturity option choosing from the below:

Non Renewable
Note: If this option is selected, then the fixed deposit won't be renewed upon maturity. The entire principal amount along with the interest will be paid.

Renew with Principal 
Note: If this option is selected, then the fixed deposit principal amount will be renewed upon maturity. However, interest will be paid.

Renew with Principal and Interest
Note: If this option is selected, then the fixed deposit principal amount  along with the interest will be renewed upon maturity. 
Debit Bank AccountFrom this drop-down box, select the corresponding bank account from which the  principal amount is debited.
Beneficiary Account From this drop-down box, select the corresponding beneficiary account to which the  bank has to transfer the amount upon maturity of the fixed deposit.
Home BranchSelect this check box to enter the bank home branch details in the Branch Details box. 
Branch DetailsIn this field, enter the enter the bank home branch details.
Fixed Deposit Term Settings
Value DateIn this field, enter the opening date of the fixed deposit.
In this field, enter the tenure of the fixed deposit tenure in years.
In this field, enter the tenure of the fixed deposit tenure in months.
In this field, enter the tenure of the fixed deposit tenure in days.
End Date
The end date refers to the maturity date of the fixed deposit. It will be auto populated once the tenure is entered in years, months (if any), and days (if any).
This field will be auto populated in days once the tenure is entered in years, months (if any), and days (if any).
Payment Date
This field will be auto populated once the tenure is entered in years, months (if any), and days (if any).
Effective Interest Rate Schedules
New Effective Interest Rate Schedule buttonClick this button to enter the interest details.
Effective Interest DateIn this field, the effective interest date interest date will be displayed automatically. 

Note: If required, you can change the effective interest date
Interest Rate TypeFrom this drop-down box, select the interest rate type choosing from Fixed or Floating.


- Fixed interest type means that the interest will remain the same throughout the investment period. 

- Floating interest type means that the interest will change periodically based on market conditions or benchmark changes.
Interest BenchmarkFrom this drop-down box, select the interest benchmark.

Note: The field is activated only on selecting the  floating interest type. Interest benchmark determines the amount of interest rates.
Interest Spread (% p.a.)In this field, enter the interest spread in percentage per annum.

Note: Interest rate spread is the difference between interest rates charged to customers and the interest rate a bank pays other banks when they borrow money
TDS Schedules
New TDS Schedule buttonClick this button to enter the TDS details.
Effective DateIn this field, enter the date from when the TDS is effective.
Fees for Interest Calculation
Days in a Year Type
From this drop-down box, select the Days in a Year Type choosing from Actual Days in a Year or Constant Days.


- You can select the Actual Days in a Year option in case of leap year. 

- You can select the Constant Days option for all the normal years except leap year.

Days in a Year 
This field is activated only on selecting the Constant Days option. In this field, enter 365 days.
Use First Day for Calculation
Select this checkbox if the interest is required to be calculated from the first day of opening the fixed deposit.
Use Last Day for Calculation
Select this checkbox if the last of the fixed deposit is to be considered for calculating the interest.
Additional Info
In this field, enter the the addition info, if any.

5. Finally, click the Create button.

The fixed deposit is added.